Create Viber Share Button on Website


A business first step to run its service and let the consumers know about their presence is to do marketing and creating websites of their own. However, social media has become one of the basic needs of marketing and digitization. More than that, it is a critical component to promote Digital Technology. Some of the top social media on the Internet are Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, Instagram, and many more.

Sharing links on social media is one of the strong tools to promote websites and webpages. In his article, we are going to create a Viber share button that can share custom texts or links to viber from a webpage.

Source Code :

<h1 style="text-align:center;">Create Viber Share Button on Website</h1>


<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

<a href="viber://forward?text=">
  <i class="fab fa-viber" style="margin-left:40%;font-size:80px;color:#665CAC;"></i>

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