Role of Social Media Platforms in Promoting Digital Technology


A business first step to run its service and let the consumers know about their presence is to do marketing and creating websites of their own. However, social media has become one of the basic needs of marketing and digitization. More than that, it is a critical component to promote Digital Technology. Some of the top social media on the Internet are Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, Instagram, and many more.

For now, let’s know about the role of social media platforms in promoting digital technology. But, before that let’s know thoroughly about Social Media and Digital Technology.

Social Media Platforms

Nowadays, most of the people are active on social media rather than reading newspapers and articles. Among them, youths are active on social media such as Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, etc. To be exact, social media is an interactive platform where an individual can create, distribute, and share their content on the web. There are many types of social media. Some of them are:

• Podcasts
• Wikis
• Social Networks
• Web Blogs
• Content Communities

As of now, there are billions of people who are in social media and it has also become one of the major sources of spreading news and promoting goods and services provided by an international or an individual business.

Digital Technology

Electronics tools, systems, devices and resources that generate, store, and process data are digital technologies. Some of the simple examples which explain it are social media, online games, multimedia, and mobile phones that we use every day. The 21st century is also called the world of digitization as we can see and use digital things everywhere we go.

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Role of Social Media Platforms in Promoting Digital Technology and Marketing

In our current world, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and many other social media platforms are playing a vital role for promoting digital technologies. Not to mention, Digital Marketing has become one of the trusted and effective ways of marketing digital technologies. As a matter of fact, 90% of the population are active on social media and it has also become a major source of information gathering and news.

Suppose, if an ABC company is not active in social media platforms means that they are missing out on numerous marketing opportunities. Further, let’s point out the role of social media platforms in promoting digital technology and marketing. First of all,

• Interact With Your Customers:

One of the key roles of social media in promoting digital technology is that it lets a company interact with their potential customers and their needs. Moreover, going through the customers tweets and Facebook updates can give a clear sight of what they need. Ultimately, it helps in creating a formulated marketing strategies for their company.

• Quick In Problem Solving And Feedback:

According to a survey, customers tend to remain consistent to those business firms who respond to their feedback and problems as quickly as possible. Without a doubt, creating social media accounts will help the companies to reach out to their customers in seconds and resolve their problems in seconds. So, it will help in customer retention.

• Increase In Sales:

Every company and business firm has their own social media accounts in every social media platform like Instagram and Facebook with millions of followers and likes. Moreover, they post their latest updates and products on their social media which attracts millions of their customers in seconds. To sum up, it eventually leads to sales increment.

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• Branding:
Trust is one of the keys towards success and to get the trust from your customers a business firm or company must brand their products and services. Some of the trustworthy brands present currently are Nike, Adidas, Lakme, etc. So, one of the promising techniques for branding is having social media accounts. That is to say, every well-known brand has their own presence in social media platforms with millions of followers and likes.
In the current world, companies and businesses who are active in social media have more digital marketing opportunities than those of other business firms who have no social media presence.

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