Tag: javascript
Draggable HTML Element using pure JavaScript
In this article, we are going to learn to create a draggable HTML element with pure JavaScript and no use of any ...Random Background Color using JavaScript
In this post, we will be writing a simple JavaScript function that will generate random color which we set as the background ...Bulb On/Off Effect using JavaScript
In this tutorial, we will be using JavaScript to create a bulb on/off effect in a webpage. The following source code uses ...Cool Trick : Like all Facebook posts at once
In this article, we are going to learn a cool trick in Facebook using JavaScript. We are going to write a couple ...Detect whether Internet speed is Fast or Slow using JavaScript
In this article, we are providing you with a code snippet which you can include in any webpage where you want to ...Design Full Page Overlay Advertisement using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Most of the websites nowadays are attracted to full page overlay ads for promoting third party as well as their own content ...How to detect AdBlocker using JavaScript ?
Ad blocking or ad filtering is a software capability for removing or altering online advertising in a web browser or an application. ...Responsive FileManager as Standalone File Manager
In this post, we are going to implement Responsive FileManager as a standalone filemanager. We will be using JQuery along with Fancybox ...Play Musical Notes with JavaScript
In music, a note is a symbol denoting a musical sound. In English usage a note is also the sound itself. Notes ...Generate Random String using JavaScript
In this post, we will be writing a simple JavaScript function that will generate random string of desired length. We can generate ...Find and Replace Text using JavaScript
In this post, we will be writing a simple JavaScript function to find and replace certain text in a HTML element. ...Generate random integer between two numbers using JavaScript
Random number generation is the generation of a sequence of numbers or symbols that cannot be reasonably predicted better than by a ...Add Source Link or Copyright Note When Someone Copies Text from your website
The following post shows a simple JavaScript code to add link for reference when someone copies text from your website. You can ...Show toast/snackbar in a webpage using CSS and JavaScript
In this post, we will be learning to display a simple toast message or snackbar in a webpage using CSS, HTML and ...Moving Car Animation with Javascript and CSS
In this post, we will be going through a simple moving car animation using only Javascript and CSS. We rotate wheels with ...